Welcome Back for 2022-23
Barb Gauche, OSPS President
Welcome back for another `exciting season. As usual, the 2022-23 meetings will feature great presentations, workshops and competitions. Please check the list of monthly meeting topics and competition themes that are listed later in this issue of the Stereogram. I hope you have all been shooting a lot and will be submitting entries for our competitions. We’re very proud of our club’s high level of image quality that we are privileged to see each month, and our member’s outstanding achievement in the international exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
Speaking of great 3D, I recently returned from a truly stimulating week of all things 3D at the annual NSA 3D-Con in Tacoma, Washington. Every year, the quality of the 3D Theater, Workshops, Competitions, Excursions and Trade Fair get better and better. Next year the NSA 3D-Con will be held in Buffalo, New York, in early August. John Bueche and I have been working hard to finalize the hotel and convention space contract, and John has created a great promotional video that should get you excited about attending. The Buffalo-Niagara region has many great attractions and the downtown hotel we’re working with is very elegant. As you know, Buffalo is a relatively short drive from downtown Cleveland on I-90, so we anticipate that many OSPS members will be able to attend. We’re hoping to include a bus trip to Rochester to visit the George Eastman House and Museum
At this year’s 3D-Con, Jay Horowitz stole the show at the 3D Theater on Saturdy afternoon with his incredibly clever production of the 2022 Ohio International Stereo Exhibition. Every year Jay outdoes his previous year’s creation.
Paul and I made the trip to Tacoma in our mini-van and spent about four days driving out there and eleven days coming home. The long trip home was intentionally indirect and gave us an opportunity to see a lot of the country and take a lot of stereo photos. We drove through 13 states all together and the scenery was incredible. The badlands, mountains, lakes, rivers and seemingly boundless farms and grazing land were so different from the types of scenery we usually see in Michigan and Ohio. Eventually we gave up trying to count how many cornfields, cows and horses we saw.
Paul and I planned our route to pass through Wichita, Kansas, on the way home. In my role as NSA’s Vice-President of Conventions I am charged with helping to identify and assess locations for future 3D-Cons. One of the Co-Chairs of the 2022 3D-Con, Greg Perez, has stepped up and volunteered to Chair the 2024 convention if it’s held in the Wichita area where he resides. Greg and I got together and checked out several hotels with attached convention space, and a number of potential excursion destinations. I’ll report more on that as plans are firmed up. For now, think “3D-Con Buffalo”! I’ll keep you informed as planning develops and registration opens in April 2023!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the September meeting and your images in the “Open” club competition.